Written on 2024-02-29

The information provided by Electron Transition (we, us, our) on electrontransition.com and our respective channels on social media platforms is for general informational purposes only.

All information on our site and respective channels is presented in good faith and is meant for personal usage, however we cannot offer any warranty of any kind regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information that we present.

No rights or claims can be derived from the information on this site. We ensure that the information on our site is as accurate and as complete as possible, however all modifications and typing erorrs are reserved.

We reserve the right to alter or modify the presented information or recommendations on this site without a preceding notification. We do not accept any liability for the consequences of the non-availability of this site, respective channels, services, or any withheld information.

Under no circumstance shall we have any liability to you, for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of this site, our services, or our respective channels, or reliance on any information provided on the site, service or respected channels.

Your use of the site, our services and respected channels is solely at your own risk.

Intellectual rights

Audio examples and excerpts are owned by third parties which have given permission to Electron Transition to use on our site. Multiplication, sharing or reproduction in whatever form is prohibited.

Information provided by Electron Transition, that is made by, or on behalf of Electron Transition and if explicitly stated so, may be used, shared, copied or duplicated by your own discretion without our agreement, if it clearly and visibly credits the original creator of the work.

We reserve the right to modify, change or alter our disclaimer without notice.

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We will not send you random marketing stuff. Stay off the social media and make music instead.